Nothing to See Here

Nothing to See Here builds on two previous projects; sewn drawings of outlines of pregnant human figures on watercolor paper and the Occultente project, a series of sculptures of tents sewn from blackout fabric. In the present body of work, I sewed scenes of migrant border crossings in black thread on scraps of textiles leftover from the tents.

The sewn drawings depicts places of crossing as well as immigrant detention centers and camps housing Latin American immigrants in the US and African and Middle Eastern Migrants in Europe (particularly detention facilities involving child migrant detainees). The images themselves come from press photographs published in print and online. Some depict buildings that house migrants on a temporary or long-term basis, others feature anonymous individuals or groups of people. They are alternately visible and totally opaque, depending on the angle at which light hits the black-on-black thread drawings on fabric.

La série Nothing to See Here (Rien à voir ici), 2019, comporte une dizaine de dessins cousus sur textile occultant sur châssis en pin (22 x 33 cm). Les images montrent des lieux de détention des migrants clandestins mineurs isolés séparés de leur famille à la frontière entre le Mexique et les États-Unis. Les œuvres sont réalisées sur des chutes de fabrication pour la série de sculptures Occultente (Kasia Ozga, 2017-2018).

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