Sewn in 2020 after my solo exhibition Maritime Logistics, I produced “Life Jackets” from printed vinyl left over from the sculpture Save Your Skin, itself made from fabric left over from a public art installation. The textiles depict macro images of human skin from anonymous, elderly volunteers. The personal flotation devices continue my exploration of sea passage, borders, and access to new horizons while working with the metaphor of human skin as a form of protection and a source of unequal treatment of travelers and migrants, alike.
The soft sculptures were sewn following a standard patterned life vest, cheap and commercially available in multinational big box sports stores. They are adorned with multicolored reclaimed locally sourced ribbons. When used, each personal flotation device is an extension of a real physical body; here the boundary between the tool/garment and the user is intentionally blurred.
When shown together in wall-mounted installations, the artworks ironically referencing Benetton advertising from the 1990s and commercial celebrations of diversity beyond borders, asking if we are all equally likely to get saved in times of need?

Sculptures molles. Images numériques de la peau humaine imprimées sur bâche en vinyle découpées et cousues ensemble. Chutes de rubans issus de l’industrie textile Stéphanoise. Rembourrage en mousse.